Best Prime Rib

Best Prime Rib

Prime Rib is the focus of the Christmas season for a reason. This is the queen of cuts of beef.
It is called a standing roast because once the roast is ready, it sits majestically on the ribs in the pan.
Well coated in fat, the roast is rich, juicy and tender, a feast for the eyes and palate.
It is also very easy to prepare.Simply put the roast in the oven at a high temperature so that it gets nicely browned on the outside, and then cook it at a lower temperature so that the meat doesn’t brown on the inside.


or 1 Bone-in Roast or Bone-in Ribs (any size)
or Garlic Powder
or Salt
or Pepper

How to Prepare the Best Ribs

Preheat oven to 350°F.
Rub with salt and pepper, add garlic powder and add to the meat. Place the meat, fat side up, in a shallow pan.
Cook at 550 degrees for 5 minutes per pound for RARE or 6 minutes per pound for MEDIUM and 7 minutes per pound for WELL DONE.
Once cooking is complete, turn off the oven and DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR FOR TWO HOURS.
After 2 hours, take the meat out of the oven and cut into slices; The result is perfect every time.
The same thing works with roast beef. Try it, you won’t be disappointed.
After 2 hours, take the meat out of the oven and cut into slices; The result is perfect every time.
The same thing works with roast beef. Try it, you won’t be disappointed.

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